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Tami and Stan Speer

Star Consultant

My Story


I found scentsy about five years ago at a home show in Hartford ct. I thought how awesome is this!!! I could have a great smelling candle without the possibility of burning down my house . NO FLAME!!!. I never really thought about selling scentsy until I met my sponsor at that same Hartford home show.
She showed me how fun and easy it was and had asked me about Joining the scentsy family. my answer was I don't think so due to I had a fulltime job at the time and figured I didn't have enough time. Well My husband and I talked all the way home and we loved the idea of the no flame and no soy concept since it was made out of food paraffin our dogs wouldn't be harmed if they ate it. and both agreed to look into joining.

Well soon as we got home I did indeed join her team I was so excited. What a great move for me I love this product. This is really the only product that sells itself. I have been selling Scentsy for a five years now and I just recently participated at the Scentsy Family Reunion in Kansas city this year and, OMG it was such an Awesome experience I cant wait for next years reunion is at Disneyland.
I am retired now and I am selling Scentsy Full time and I'm Loving it. I get to spend more time with My husband and my granddaughter who is four years old. she Loves to help her MYMY putting labels on the products and helping me putting orders together..
I also have a great time hosting parties and meeting new people. Its not your typical home parties they are so much FUN!!! Joining Scentsy was the best thing I have ever done. not only selling a great product but the scentsy family is full of great people and my scentsy sisters, and brothers give me all the support I need.
Scentsy has really changed my life for the better I am able to stay home and be with my family and still have a prospering business all at the same time.

So book a party and become part of the family.
we will have a Fabulous time!!!!

What's warming in my home